Aboust Us

Zarabeez has been growing in the online fashion industry for the past five years. Our business primarily focuses on all types of Fashion Winter Jackets, Hoodies, Cardigans, Sweaters,Muffler and Gloves for Women, Women Plus and Kids Girls are available on best competitive prices.

Our online store is always stocked with the latest styles in women’s fashion direct from the manufacturer. Each location also carries a wide assortment of trendy items. Since we are a manufacturer- direct business, we do not commission any middlemen and can therefore transfer our savings to customers. Our customers know that they can shop and save with us any day of the year without lowering their standards or waiting for sales at other retailers. In essence, we have created a convenient and exceptional shopping environment that attracts new customers everyday and ensures their return.

Our Company has an impressive track record in the online business and we expect that trend to continue. We currently operate from New Jersey – USA and looking forward to expand our office across all over USA.

It is this type of phenomenal success that allows us to continue to focus all our efforts into the further development and expansion of TomCarry online stores.